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Oliver Patrick stress management resilience peace tranquility

Oliver Patrick: Sideline stress and cultivate cast-iron resilience

Oliver Patrick Oliver Patrick is a physiologist and leading expert in lifestyle management. He is the co-founder of Future Practice, a personal training consultancy and education provider. He speaks widely on the application of contemporary wellbeing strategies and consults to businesses and individuals globally. Follow him on Instagram. Visit oliverpatrick.com. Oliver Patrick: Seize back…

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Stacy Sims Menopause training women fitness health resistance exercise

How to train around the menopause for greater health and happiness

Dr Stacy Sims, PhD Dr Stacy Sims, PhD, is an exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionise exercise nutrition and performance for women. She has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers, and authored female-focused performance optimisation books, Roar, and Next Level, which challenge the existing dogma around exercise, nutrition, and health for women.…

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