Professor Michael Levitt Professor Michael Levitt is a biophysicist and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013. He has been professor of structural biology at Stanford University since 1987. He holds South African, American, British and Israeli citizenship. He lives in California. Follow him on X. Visit the Michael Levitt Lab.
Dr Michael Levitt:…
Dr Dominic D’Agostino Dr Dominic D’Agostino, PhD, is Associate Professor with tenure at the University of South Florida, teaching at the Morsani College of Medicine and the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, with a specific focus on neuropharmacology, medical biochemistry, physiology, neuroscience, and neuropharmacology. He is also a research scientist at the Institute for…
Wellness isn’t the first thing you associate with getting behind the wheel of a car, is it? After all, sedentary time spent increasing your blood pressure while someone cuts you up or expanding your waistline as you absent-mindedly shovel a family pack of sweets into your mouth to alleviate the boredom of sitting in traffic…
Dr Mikael Mattsson, Phd Mikael Mattsson is CEO at exercise intelligence company svexa, which creates algorithms and software for decision support for sports teams, elite and recreational athletes, as well as hardware and software companies in the sports and health tech industries. He lives in Menlo Park, California. Follow him on Instagram. Visit and…
Andrew Herr Andrew Herr is the founder and CEO of performance concierge service Fount and a leader in human performance optimisation. He has worked with elite athletes and the US military, where he spearheaded groundbreaking biotech and human performance studies. Follow him on X. Visit
Super-soliders and elite civilians are coming
Human enhancement technologies…
James Brown James Brown is the co-founder and nutrigenomics director of Muhdo, a DNA testing and personalised health, fitness and wellness company. He is an ex-professional rugby player who represented Harlequins and England schools and has spent the last 20 years working as a sports and performance nutritionist with a degree from St Marys Twickenham,…
Dave Wright Dave Wright is the founder and CEO of MyZone, a HRM hardware and software solution to track and reward physical activity, and board member of ukactive, the not-for-profit industry association promoting the interests of commercial fitness gyms and community leisure centres. He lives in Nottingham, England. Visit and
Big Tech devices…
Aubrey de Grey Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist, author and president and chief science officer of the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in anti-ageing and longevity research focusing on developing strategies to combat ageing and extend human healthpan and lifespan, believing ageing is a condition that…
Sebastian Porsdam Mann Sebastian Porsdam Mann is a bioethicist and legal scholar. Following military service, he was educated in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, where he also obtained his first PhD in neuroethics. He has held postdoctoral positions in bioethics at Harvard Medical School and, as Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, at…
Jamie Gold Jamie Gold, CKD, CAPS, MCCWC, is a wellness design consultant and the author of "Wellness by Design: A Room-by-Room Guide to Optimizing Your Home for Health, Fitness, and Happiness". Follow Jamie on Instagram. Visit
With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for creating spaces that promote well-being, Jamie Gold has been…