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Stan Efferding muscle hypertrophy strength gym training vertical diet

Stan Efferding: build muscle, burn fat and perform at your full potential

Stan Efferding Stan Efferding is known as the world’s strongest bodybuilder, being both a world record holding powerlifter and an IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a leading authority on performance nutrition, and is the founder of The Vertical Diet, a performance-based nutritional framework. He has consulted with hundreds of elite athletes across multiple sports. Follow…

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Rachel Scheer

Rachel Scheer: Fix your gut for good with functional nutrition

Rachel Scheer Rachel Scheer is a certified functional medicine nutritionist, entrepreneur, and highly sought-after speaker with a passion for gut health and healing. Her unique approach to health and healing has helped thousands of people overcome their health challenges by taking a root cause approach. Rachel has built a fully organic multi-million dollar business and…

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Professor Stuart McGill fix and prevent lower back pain

Professor Stuart McGill: How to take better care of your back

Professor Stuart McGill Professor Stuart McGill, PhD, is a world-renowned authority on spine biomechanics with extensive clinical research expertise in back injury and pain mechanisms, rehabilitation approaches, and performance training. He has authored more than 240 scientific journal papers and four books on back and spine health, including Back Mechanic, a step-by-step guide of his…

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how often should you train

Use minimum effective dose training to get the results you want

Dr Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis Dr Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis, PhD, is a visiting scholar at the Applied Muscle Development Lab at Lehman College, NYC, coach at StrongerByScience.com and Chief Editor of REPS Research Review. He did his PhD on the minimum effective training dose for strength and his research focuses on resistance training for muscle strength and hypertrophy.…

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Get ready: advanced AI and human enhancement tech is coming

Sebastian Porsdam Mann Sebastian Porsdam Mann is a bioethicist and legal scholar. Following military service, he was educated in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, where he also obtained his first PhD in neuroethics. He has held postdoctoral positions in bioethics at Harvard Medical School and, as Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, at…

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Patrick Arnold BALCO

BALCO exclusive: master chemist Patrick Arnold reveals the inside story of sport’s biggest scandal

Patrick Arnold Patrick Arnold is a synthetic organic chemist best known for his role in creating designer steroids, specifically The Clear, that were used by elite athletes in what became known as the BALCO Scandal. He also introduced the nutritional supplement Andro (androstenedione) and created the class of sports supplements known as prohormones. Arnold also…

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Vanessa Smer-Barreto AI faster

How AI can help cure disease and save millions from dying before their time

Dr Vanessa Smer-Barreto Dr Vanessa Smer-Barreto is a researcher developing AI technologies for drug discovery. Following her PhD in Astronomy and two years working as a data analyst she switched to biomedicine after winning a cross-disciplinary post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Edinburgh. Her most recent breakthrough was the discovery of three ageing-related agents using…

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Rick Collins lawyer steroid drug abuse

Rick Collins: We must stop treating steroids like hardcore drugs

Rick Collins Rick Collins, Esq., NSCA-CSCS, FISSN, is widely considered one of the world’s foremost legal authorities on testosterone and other performance and image enhancing drugs and supplements. A former criminal prosecutor, he has served as lead defense attorney on countless criminal cases and doping allegations involving anabolic steroids and related drugs nationwide and internationally.…

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