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Oliver Patrick stress management resilience peace tranquility

Oliver Patrick: Sideline stress and cultivate cast-iron resilience

Oliver Patrick Oliver Patrick is a physiologist and leading expert in lifestyle management. He is the co-founder of Future Practice, a personal training consultancy and education provider. He speaks widely on the application of contemporary wellbeing strategies and consults to businesses and individuals globally. Follow him on Instagram. Visit oliverpatrick.com. Oliver Patrick: Seize back…

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Turn trauma into your superpower for success

Georgie Spurling Georgie Spurling is the founder of ARVRA (Active Recovery Vibration and Resistance Activation), a fitness technique that combines elements of active recovery, vibration therapy and resistance training to enhance overall fitness and recovery, and founder and CEO of ARVRA Wellness, an online content and support membership hub. Follow her on Instagram.Visit ARVRA.com. "Distraction…

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