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Rick Collins lawyer steroid drug abuse

Rick Collins: We must stop treating steroids like hardcore drugs

Rick Collins Rick Collins, Esq., NSCA-CSCS, FISSN, is widely considered one of the world’s foremost legal authorities on testosterone and other performance and image enhancing drugs and supplements. A former criminal prosecutor, he has served as lead defense attorney on countless criminal cases and doping allegations involving anabolic steroids and related drugs nationwide and internationally.…

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Dr Shawn Baker carnivore diet liver king

Dr Shawn Baker: The Carnivore Diet advocate on why he’ll never stop courting controversy

Dr Shawn Baker, MD Dr Shawn Baker, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon, the best-selling author of The Carnivore Diet, world champion athlete, and the Chief Medical Office of Revero, which provides personalised care for metabolic and autoimmune conditions. He is a leading authority on nutritional therapy and raising awareness about how it affects chronic disease…

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