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The skindoc James Denny: Look 10 years younger overnight

The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital consultant dermatologist and co-founder and CEO of skindoc reveals the quick and simple ways to take better care of your skin and reverse the visible signs of ageing so you can look and feel better than ever
Dr James Denny
Dr James Denny

Dr James Denny is consultant dermatologist at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and co-founder and CEO of online dermatology service skindoc, having designed and developed the largest NHS teledermatology service in the UK. He is registered with the General Medical Council and Royal College of Physicians, is a member of the British Association of Dermatologists, and has been awarded several prizes most notably from The Royal Society of Medicine. He is a keen endurance athlete having completed an IronMan 140.6, the Athens Marathon and the UK Three Peaks Challenge. He lives in London. Follow skindoc on Instagram. Visit skindoc.uk.

Dr James Denny: Look younger and healthier the smart way

The pursuit of looking younger has captivated humanity since the dawn of time and shows no signs of slowing down: in 2023 the beauty and personal care market is worth around $625bn, according to research firm Statista.

And if you watched our exclusive interview with Bryan Johnson, the Silicon Valley tech billionaire turned “longevity athlete”, who is investing millions of dollars per year to try and reverse his biological age, you’ll know that he is just an extreme example of many people who spend eye-watering sums on trying to look years younger than they really are.

The good news for you is that you don’t need to break the bank to roll back the years.

Because if you want to improve the health and vitality of your biggest organ, and the one the outside world instantly judges as a sign of your overall physical and mental wellbeing – your skin – then help is at hand.

We spoke to Dr James Denny, a consultant dermatologist at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and co-founder and CEO of online dermatology service skindoc, to discover exactly how you can take better care of your skin to quickly and effortlessly make your face appear younger, healthier and brighter.

In our in-depth conversation he also reveals which creams, potions and supplements, such as collagen peptides, are worth your hard-earned cash for improving skin tone, texture, appearance and brightness, and which are a waste of money. He also details how diet, exercise and pollution all have a major impact on the condition of your skin, and what you can do – starting today – to mitigate the risks and stack the odds in your favour of better, more vibrant skin.

Mitigate modern life for better skin

How to avoid skin cancer

The skindoc’s recommended skin care routine

How your diet impacts the health of your skin

How your diet can slow or accelerate ageing

The skindoc’s best skincare supplements

About Dr James Denny and skindoc

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