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Health at every size obesity plus size models

Kate Hilton: “The body positivity movement hurts the people it wants to help”

Kate Hilton Kate Hilton is the founder of Diets Debunked and a Health and Care Professions Council registered dietitian and Associate of British Dieticians member. She has extensive experience in managing a wide variety of gut conditions, including IBS, reflux, diverticular disease and IBD, and is experienced in working with clients with diabetes, particularly Type-2…

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Health at every size obesity plus size models

Is the Health At Every Size movement harming the people it’s trying to help?

Browse ‘health at every size’ on social media and you will soon see why this weight-inclusive movement attracts such frenzied debate. There is certainly much to admire about an approach which rejects weight-loss goals; invites a broader view of health; promotes enjoyable physical movement for people of all sizes; fights weight stigma; champions inclusive access…

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