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Stan Efferding: build muscle, burn fat and perform at your full potential

The record-breaking powerlifter, IFBB bodybuilder and entrepreneur reveals his hard-won training, nutrition and lifestyle insight, garnered from a lifetime of lifting, so you can put his advice into action to perform better than ever and build the bigger, stronger and leaner body you’ve always wanted
Stan Efferding
Stan Efferding

Stan Efferding is known as the world’s strongest bodybuilder, being both a world record holding powerlifter and an IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a leading authority on performance nutrition, and is the founder of The Vertical Diet, a performance-based nutritional framework. He has consulted with hundreds of elite athletes across multiple sports. Follow him on Instagram. Visit stanefferding.com and verticaldiet.com.

Stan Efferding exclusive: build the body you want!

It would be difficult to overstate Stan Efferding’s impact on the world of health, fitness and performance.

Having reached the pinnacle of both bodybuilding and powerlifting – he is both a world record holding powerlifter and an IFBB professional bodybuilder – he is now one of the most highly sought after consultants to many of the world’s most popular and successful athletes across an incredibly wide range of sports. Clients include four-time World’s Strongest Man Brian Shaw, Icelandic strongman and Game of Thrones “The Mountain” Hafþór Björnsson, and WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin.

As hard as it is to imagine now, Efferding was once considered too small for soccer, with a physique “like a number 2 pencil”. He began training at his coach’s request to bulk up while on a soccer scholarship to the University of Oregon.

The rest is history. From weighing just 98lbs (44kg or 7st) in high school, to 135lbs in college, to a peak of over 300lbs (140kg or 22st), and a strength or physique accolade to match every pound gained, Efferding translates his unique blend of 30 years of research and application into practical actionable tips, hard-won insights, and unforgettable phrases.

In a wide-ranging conversation with Unfiltered’s contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, Efferding reveals his take on optimal training and nutrition for both muscle gain and fat loss. He also details the tried-and-tested principles that form the foundation of The Vertical Diet, his performance-based nutritional framework, how he successfully competed in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, and much more.

In a health and fitness industry struggling from a plague of Instagram “experts” with few credentials and limited experience, Efferding is the cure we need.

Stan Efferding: Most social media fitness advice is shocking

Listen to our exclusive interview Stan Efferding on Spotify

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