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Rachel Scheer: Fix your gut for good with functional nutrition

Despite a successful career in physique competition and fitness modelling Rachel Scheer was not the epitome of health she was portraying on stage or in shoots. To solve her chronic digestive issues she turned to functional nutrition, and has not looked back since. And as she reveals to Unfiltered, a combination of traditional and functional approaches can empower you to live a fitter, healthier and happier life
Rachel Scheer
Rachel Scheer

Rachel Scheer is a certified functional medicine nutritionist, entrepreneur, and highly sought-after speaker with a passion for gut health and healing. Her unique approach to health and healing has helped thousands of people overcome their health challenges by taking a root cause approach. Rachel has built a fully organic multi-million dollar business and speaks at various events and conferences on entrepreneurship, the power of your story, healing, abundance, and her expertise in functional medicine and gut health. Follow her on Instagram. Visit rachelscheer.com.

Rachel Scheer:

Despite a traditional academic grounding in Dietetics from Baylor University and a successful career in physique competition and fitness modelling, things were not as they seemed for Rachel Scheer.

While appearing from the outside to be – quite literally – a model of health, the disconnect between image and reality couldn’t have been starker. Things became so bad Scheer remembers lying on her kitchen floor in tears suffering from such painful and severe gut issues she was unable to eat, and ready to consent to a colorectal surgeon removing her entire large intestine.

Enter functional medicine, and the root cause approach to health care – as opposed to ‘sick care’ – that Scheer credits for turning her into the woman you see today.

With multiple million-dollar businesses, her own functional nutrition certification, and serving as a mentor for women in business, Scheer’s mission is now to help as many people as possible address the root cause of their health issues rather than simply medicating the symptoms.

There’s often a tension between functional medicine approaches and those pursued in traditional western medicine but there needn’t be. In a full in-depth conversation Rachel explains to Unfiltered’s contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, how the two can complement – not compete with – each other to empower you to live smarter.

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