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Dr Alyssa Olenick: Why every woman must build more muscle!

Renowned exercise physiologist, hybrid training expert, and accomplished ultra-marathon runner Dr Alyssa Olenick is on a mission to convince more women of the life-changing benefits of building more lean muscle mass — not only for immediate health and performance benefits, but also to significantly increase the chances of living a fitter, healthier and longer life. In our exclusive Unfiltered interview, she explains why every woman should start strength training, when to incorporate weight sessions into an already-packed schedule, and how doing so can transform every aspect of your life for the better
Dr Alyssa Olenick
Dr Alyssa Olenick

Dr Alyssa Olenick is a highly regarded exercise physiologist, ultra-marathon runner and powerlifter with a deep passion for fitness, health, and wellness. She specialises in understanding the intricate relationship between resistance training, endurance sports and metabolic health, and is known for her science-based approach to exercise and recovery, and her ability to debunk fitness myths to empower people to achieve their goals through balanced and sustainable methods. Follow her on Instagram. Visit doclyssfitness.com.

Dr Alyssa Olenick: Why all women should lift weights!

Dr Alyssa Olenick, a renowned exercise physiologist, has built a significant following by championing the benefits of hybrid training, which she exemplifies as both an ultra-marathon runner and powerlifter.

In an in-depth and wide-ranging conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Dr Olenick dismantles some of the most persistent training and performance myths with science-backed insights. She shares how you can build muscle size, strength, and power while simultaneously improving cardiovascular health and performance. Whether your goal is to become stronger, run faster, or simply enhance your overall health and wellbeing, her advice offers a clear and effective path to achieving your goals.

Dr Olenick also outlines essential training strategies specifically tailored for women, including those navigating peri-menopause and post-menopause. She stresses the importance of incorporating weightlifting into every woman’s fitness routine, particularly for maintaining lean muscle mass, managing weight and supporting bone health. Her guidance goes beyond just training smarter; it’s about creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that empowers women at every stage of her life.

How to train for a fitter, longer and more active life

Dr Alyssa Olenick: Are you eating enough for optimal health and performance?

Listen to the full Unfiltered podcast episode with Dr Alyssa Olenick on Spotify!

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